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Why Printing Your Photographs is Important

There are days I feel like my job as a photographer is superficial. Days I feel like other people’s jobs are more important than mine. But then I am reminded why printing your photographs is important. And why my job as a photographer has value and meaning.

The Swiping Incident…

Not long ago, our son kept swiping a framed photograph my husband and I had taken while on an adults-only vacation to Montreal. I would find it in his room and walk it back to my nightstand. After doing this routine several times, I finally asked our son why he wanted this picture of us. He said how it made him feel safe. And how he was missing us while he was in his room, especially at night. This photograph was a way for us to be with him and a source of comfort. (Cue tears from this mama’s eyes.)

two framed family photographs

So recently when Zach swiped another framed photograph, I didn’t take it out of his room. And I got a lot smarter about asking him why he had picked this particular photograph. His response was priceless. “Because it’s of me!” He was so proud. It should be noted that Zachary is our youngest. And he has announced how disappointed he is that he is not in the girls’ baby book! By framing his photograph, it is another way for him to feel good about himself and he knows that we love and value him. Which is so important for this little boy who is having a challenging time adjusting to kindergarten. And doesn’t always feel successful.

Little boy in framed photograph

So it is moments like these that I’m reminded that my job does have value. That having printed photographs of our family around our homes reminds our children just how much we love them. That they are special and important. One day, when I am gone, all that will remain are the photographs I chose to print and our family albums. Who even knows if they will be able to access any of my digital files?

Framed family photographs, Phoenix

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