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2017 Highlights

Okay, I have never posted 2017 highlights, but up until recently, I had never written a blog post either! This is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on 2017, all the growth and learning and focus on the good of 2017.  So on the last day of 2017 here it goes…

2017 Highlights:

  1. We adopted a lab-mix puppy named Emmett. Although I grew up with labs, I never owned a dog as an adult. This is our first family dog and we love him so much!
  2. My husband and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary and took a trip to Montreal and Upstate New York by ourselves. My mom and dad had our kids for eight days! It was amazing and something we need to do more often!
  3. Lauren got braces and loves dance!
  4. Sydney learned how to read and is taking a tumbling and trampoline class! (She also broke her arm for the second time, but this was prior to gymnastics)
  5. Zachary started preschool. I cannot believe that in less than 18 months he will be in kindergarten!
  6. We took the girls to Disneyland for the very first time!
  7. I was Sydney’s Daisy Scout leader and the PTO secretary
  8. We finished potty training both the puppy and the toddler!
  9. The girls and I had our very first girls trip up in Flagstaff!
  10. I continued my photography education, logging more than 60 hours of training.
  11. Getting to photograph so many great families in 2017! I cannot wait for 2018!!
  12. Photographing my parents after 17 years…I know, I cannot believe I waited that long!


I read books, lots of books

2017 Highlights: Reading list

Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life Before 8 AM: by Hal Elrod (Because with three kids, and I need a miracle in the morning sometimes!)

Better Together: Because You’re Not Meant to Mom Alone: by Jill Savage (I read this with my MOPs group last year!)

How to Win Friends and Influence People: by Dale Carnegie (I will be reading this book over and over again! It’s really a book about how to best love people…)

Business Boutique: by Christy Wright (Originally I borrowed this from the library, but it was so good I ended up purchasing it too. I will be reading this again in 2018!)

Life Changing Magic of Tidying up: by Marie Kondo (I’ve read this a few times and completed KonMari in 2016, but find it helpful to revisit when we get busy)

It Starts with Food: Melissa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig (I was diagnosed with Celiac’s in 2007.)

Whole 30: The 30-Day Guide to Total Health and Food Freedom: By Melissa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig (I am with a group of ladies who start Whole 30 tomorrow…wish us/me luck!)

The Power of Habit: by Charles Duhigg (Love this book on why we do what we do!)

Worth Every Penny: By Sarah Petty and Erin Vernbeck (Another book about running a boutique business and how to best love and serve your clients!)

1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12: by Dr. Thomas Phelan (We have a sweet three-year-old and he is our only boy!)


Our adorable puppy, Emmett!

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